Friday, August 10, 2012


I hate cuticles.  They are hard to maintain and keep healthy until recently I found many tricks to help maintain them and now they are better than ever.  Now it's your turn to have perfect, healthy cuticles.

Tip and trick #1- To keep your cuticles from drying and cracking, rub some lip balm into them and all over your nails every time you apply it to lips.

Tip and trick #2- To protect cuticles as you push them back, wrap the tip of your cuticle pusher in a water moistened cotton ball or square because the pusher alone can tear your cuticles.

Tip and trick #3- When doing your nails leave a small space between the cuticle and polish you are applying.

Tip and trick #4- Never cut your cuticles because then they won't be able to perform there job which is protecting the roots of your nails.

Tip and trick #5- Always moisturize your cuticles even if you are always moisturizing your hands you still want to moisturize cuticles even more. Even washing your hands and not putting moisturizer on your cuticles right after is damaging to them because they are getting hydrated while they are in the water but when it's time to dry your hands the hydration and moisture your just gave them are getting striped off leaving them dry.

That's all the tips for now and remember to keep your cuticles healthy because when your cuticles are healthy you have strong, shiny nails and that is always important.


  1. thanks, my cuticles are terrrrible this helps!

  2. These are great tips, thanks! I definitely don't take enough care of my cuticles! xx

  3. Following via the Blog Hop :) Yahoo!! I'd love it if you'd check mine out too :)

    Have a fabulous Sunday, lovely!

    Lady Million

  4. I was just messing with my nails a minute ago... My cuticles are a mess..

    New follower from TTWFI. Love for you to stop by and return the follow.

  5. Hey lady!! I just found your cute blog via the hop, and I'm your newest follower! I'd also love to invite you to check out a fabulous Triple Giveaway I'm having right now!!

    Hope to see you there! And thanks so much!
